Monday, May 10, 2010

Journey Begins

Day 1:
Presently, I am sitting in the Montreal Trudeau Airport. I've been surfing the internet ever since I got past check-in and security to settle in for the wait at my boarding gate while a friend of mine wandered off to shop. I can't even begin to explain my excitement for this trip, it has always been my dream to visit Slovakia and now it's finally MY summer to do so, and I am proud to say I am lucky enough to share this experience with a good friend of mine. I just felt a little flutter of anxiousness when I looked out the window to see my Air France plane lock into its spot to prepare for our 13.5 hour journey, and when I realized it is 4pm. We're only an hour away from departure time, so it's time for me to bid my farewell to home and wave hello to a whole new country full of new experiences. Talk to you all tomorrow afternoon!

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